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Maryland 99 group is the collection of individuals (alumni) who graduated or participated from MCSS during 98/99 session.
The MCSS 99 Set Alumni is a non-profit, a non-religious, a non-governmental and a non-political association of old students of Maryland Comprehensive Secondary School (MCSS) 1999 set who have recognized the need to network for personal and professional development as well as give back to the alumni and the the society for humanity benefit in the long run.
MCSS 99 Alumni comprises all those who at one time of the other either made or would have made the 1993 admission class or the 1999 graduating class.
Through Teamwork, we know as a group we can achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way building on our strength of collaborative effort.
After 20 years, we know we should invest more in professional development of members. Yes, you can bring up suggestions and the team would look into it. Of course, we have some outlined already.
Our coming together is a lifestyle. There are events put together to bring that lifestyle to reality. We welcome you to pick your poison.
We are proud to partner with the following organization towards achieving our goals. No man is an island and we appreciate the support we have received.
In our vision to build a strong group, no member is left behind and we hope to carry everyone along and make a stronger unit in the long run. One person at a time, we are sure to make the impact we desire to see.
The association is led by a dynamic and versatile team steering the affairs of the association. The team will serve a two years term from November 2022-November 2024 as ambassadors to carry out and deliver the visions of the association.