365 Days in Office

365 Days in Office

365 Days in Office Firstly, we want to appreciate all members of the MCSS 99 Alumni for your support and believe in the present Executives to drive the Alumn to the altitude of greatness. The journey of 365 days in office as Executives have been great, tasking, memorable, and awesome. Many a times we suspend…

When Champions Meet

When Champions Meet

The meeting of Team Catalyst after winning the Maiden edition of the Landers 99 Quiz Competition can be rightly termed as the climax of a sensational competition within the MCSS 99 set Alumni group. The competition started with 16 teams competition in an online Quiz competition which was anchored by a member of the Alumni…

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PART 2 | Motivational Monday with Emmanuel Shatoke

Good Morning friends. It’s another edition of “Motivational Monday” with Emmanuel Shatoke. “Motivational Monday” ………Become the Best Version of You. Still on “THE DEVELOPMENT SERIES”. Today, I will continue with the phase 2 of “PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PART 2 “. DEVELOPMENT is to evolve or metamorphos from a position to a higher position. Development points to growth….