PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PART 2 | Motivational Monday with Emmanuel Shatoke

Good Morning friends.

It’s another edition of “Motivational Monday” with Emmanuel Shatoke.

“Motivational Monday” ………Become the Best Version of You.


Today, I will continue with the phase 2 of “PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PART 2 “.

DEVELOPMENT is to evolve or metamorphos from a position to a higher position.

Development points to growth.

Number one was COMMITMENT.


Extraordinary effort is doing the unexpected in a greater or better way than usual.

Extraordinary effort is adding a lot of energy doing the unusual. What is the level of energy you are adding to your career, business, profession or job?

A person who adds extraordinary effort to whatever he or she does will become exceptional.  That individual will have great enthusiasm and drive to become the best.

Extraordinary people are celebrated in their various fields or industry.

Extraordinary people are ordinary people who added the extra to the uncommon to be celebrated on common grounds.

The world is a common ground for people, but what extraordinary effort are you adding to what you do?, you small group you are? to bring out the best in you or others?

Extraordinary people are always passionate about what they do. For the fact that Bill Gate was a school drop out, he exacted an extraordinary effort to bring his dream of building Microsoft Computer Empire that helped people to simplify their daily use or transaction with the use of a computer.

Bill Gates extraordinary effort attracted investors to his brand and the growth is what has made him to become the richest man in the world severally.

When the word computer is mentioned the first name that comes to mind is “Bill Gate”.

What will be attached to your name? This is a question you need to brood on personally.

You need to become the pace setter wherever you are.

Next week I will continue with the third phase of PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT that will help us further to becoming the best version of yourself.

I look forward to your feedback.

Emmanuel Shatoke

Personality Coach/ Entrepreneur/ Writer/ Author/Concept & Talent Development Expert/ Brand & Printing Consultant/ Events & Project Consultant/ Media Consultant/

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